Movistar Puk Code Unlock your Sim 2021

If you have a Movistar SIM lock and you want to unlock your sim card. you should try to sim with the puk code. Today I'm gonna be with a solution if you've got a phone and you know the sim card  asking for opinions and you don't know the puk code. so I'm gonna show you a different take but you need to do if you've got the same problem so right now I'm using the C. D. form but this process is going to be compatible with AT a smartphone so today I'm gonna be with a solution all right the first thing you want to go to the main page because even though you pull this clean cold so it's going to stay on this page asking for the pin code for the same card so what you wanna do you wanna take on the same. You wanna restart your phone. Just restart your phone. All right let me just went to the phone call more and I will show you what you need to do. I want to focus on I like to form.

Movistar Puk Code

I just unlocked your phone and what's available right here it is 1234. And press OK. So as you can see the phone now it's on the main page they sim card has been unlocked both the last process you let it go right here to the main menu so go to settings. Right here go to security. Right here. Scroll down and go to set up being correct right here. Right yeah you're gonna turn off the and ener 1234 press okay. As you can see the pin has been disabled now you can restart your phone and you want to go to the main basin so 90 percent of this case by putting 1234 that's the passcode for all to see the car 1234 now if your phone is asking for the PuK code cold you will have to call customer service your you know provide a customer service and they gonna give you the cold too long lag this impact your phone is asking for the beauty cold so only customer service handle that type of information.

Second Method to Unlock  your Movistar Sim

  • If you have Movistar sim jacket When you buy your sim  Movistar Puk code written on it enter it your Mobile to unlock your sim.

Puk Code of Movistar 

  • Jus Open SMS send an SMS to 1004 with the word “PUK

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